I'm surprised nobody mentioned this, but if you are on a Mac, KeepIt is great. Thought I would share my review from the app store.Īpps where you can keep notes open in tabs: Craft.do, Notebooks, Keep It, Devonthink, Typora.

It isn’t nearly as powerful as DT and it’s a subscription but I used it for quite a while and have no reservation recommending it. If it’s not your cup of tea or isn’t approachable you could also try Keep It which is solid, well designed and easier to learn, it’s also a bit more focused on files and less of an everything bucket. What app r u guys using for storing documents? Ar u guys also using Bear as file cabinet?.If that for whatever reason doesn't work out, there's also Notebooks or KeepIt. Seeing that you're probably on the Apple ecosystem, is there a reason why Devonthink didn't make your list? Seems like it satisfies all 5 of your criteria. I use Keep It on macOS/iOS and save pages as PDFs. Ask HN: Does anybody still use bookmarking services?.